The Way Forward

Located within the heart of Pune City inside the DES Campus at Deccan Gymkhana, the facility is positioned close to old city area within a business ecosystem that provides linkages to resources and marketplace, optimizing business spend, which is extremely crucial in development stages. Parent body composition provides knowledge and information access to myriad services that support business operation and processes such as legal, financial, technical, marketing, research, and analytics.

Network of sister institutes from KG to PG has the potential of spill over from early learning years, critical for entrepreneurship development. It also ensures sustainable flow of ideas and talent to the business incubator and continuity to the incubatee pipeline. A broad spread of knowledge areas also ensures coverage of wide spectrum of sectors.

Startups do not exist or grow in a vacuum but require a broader business environment. DSCEI is committed to create an exceptional and highly accommodative combination of processes, infrastructure, and people, with an intention to nurture and grow new and small business enterprises through early stages of development and change.